wow, what can I say, thanks for guidance!

The last bit of what you said I don't understand:

"But, the biggest improvement would be to make your own package and install
instead of fiddling around with this low level stuff in the manifests."

On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 2:33 PM, vagn scott <> wrote:

> On 07/17/2011 12:45 PM, S Ahmed wrote:
>> So I ran through a server setup on ec2, and have a text file of all the
>> commands I used to get the server to where I wanted it.
> step 1: turn your list of commands into an idempotent script
> #! /bin/sh
> site=http://**rubyenterpriseedition.**<>
> name=ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-**2011.03
> archive=$name.tar.gz
> prepath="/opt/ruby/bin"
> downloads=/root/downloads
> wanted="
>        mysql-server
>        libmysqlclient15-dev
>        libreadline5-dev
>        libssl-dev
> "
> apt-get install $wanted
> mkdir -p $downloads
> [ ! -d $downloads/$archive ] && cd $downloads && wget $site/$archive
> [ ! -d $downloads/$name ] && cd $downloads && tar xzf $archive
> [ ! -f /opt/ruby/bin/ruby ] && ./$name/installer --auto /opt/ruby/
> grep -q "$prepath" ~/.profile || echo "export PATH=$prepath:$PATH" >>
> ~/.profile
> exit 0
> step 2: puppetize it
> class ruby_from_src {
>        $site           ="http://**rubyenterpriseedition.**
> <>"
>        $name           ="ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2011.**03"
>        $archive        ="${name}.tar.gz"
>        $prepath        ="/opt/ruby/bin"
>        $downloads      ="/root/downloads"
>        $wanted = [
>                "mysql-server",
>                "libmysqlclient15-dev",
>                "libreadline5-dev",
>                "libssl-dev",
>                ]
>        package { $wanted:
>                ensure => installed,
>        } ->
>        file { $downloads:
>                ensure => directory,
>        } ->
>        exec { "ruby from source download":
>                command => "wget ${site}/${archive}",
>                cwd     => $downoads,
>                creates => "${dir}/${archive}",
>        } ->
>        exec { "ruby from source extract":
>                command => "tar xzf ${archive}",
>                cwd     => $downloads,
>                creates => "${name}",
>        } ->
>        exec { "ruby from source install":
>                command => "./${name}/installer --auto /opt/ruby/",
>                cwd     => $downloads,
>                creates => "/opt/ruby/bin/ruby",
>        }
>        file { "ruby from source PATH":
>                path     => "/etc/profile.d/puppet_ruby_**",
>                content  => "PATH=${prepath}:\$PATH",
>                mode     => 644,
>        }
> }
> step 3: run it and fix the bugs  :-)
> I have not tested it, so there might be bugs.  But that's the general idea.
> There's room for improvement though:
> - parameterise the class so you can pass in the version, site, etc
> - move some of the dependencies to other classes
>        mysql stuff belongs in a mysql_dev class
>        libssl-dev probably belongs in a network_dev class
>        *_dev classes should include a build_tools class
> But, the biggest improvement would be to make your own package and install
> that
> instead of fiddling around with this low level stuff in the manifests.
> --
> vagn
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