i'm trying to write a couple of modules to install generic python &
ruby apps.
how do you handle dependencies that are present in two modules, i.e. a
package dependency,
without causing an already defined error.

lets say:

module django:

class django {
         package { "build-essential':
               ensure => present,

module ruby_on_rails:
class ruby {
         package { "build-essential':
               ensure => present,

if i define this like this,  I get an already defined error. I know I
can fix this by defining a third class and import it from the others,
but you can only do that with the modules you "control".

So how do you define package dependencies in a module in a
"encapsulated" and reusable way.
it seems that its common to include 3rd party puppet modules by
linking them via git submodules or by placing them under the module
folders, but if i have to fork every 3rd party module that causes the
error it seems that i am doing something wrong.

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