On Mon, Aug 08, 2011 at 11:19:36AM -0700, Douglas Garstang wrote:
> I've got this:
>     file {
>         '/opt/sugarsync/tomcat/tomcat-home/current':
>             ensure => "tomcat-$config['tomcat_version_server']";
> where $config['tomcat_version_server'] was set with extlookup (the yaml
> one), by loading:
> ---
> tomcat_config:
>   tomcat_version_server: 6.0.20-1
>   tomcat_version_libs: 1.0-1
> Inside those double quotes, where variable interpolation is supposed to
> occur, I'm actually getting:
> tomcat-tomcat_version_libs1.0-1tomcat_version_server6.0.20-1['tomcat_version_server']
> Not '6.0.20-1'. How can I interpolate a hash inside a string? Is this a bug?
> Doug.
IIRC it should read "tomcat-${config['tomcat_version_server']}" (notice
the curling braces). Otherwise puppet will print the hash first (and
concats all keys and values) and then just put ['tomcat_version_server']
after it.

Does the above suggestion work?


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