I want to access variable of a parameterized class but it fails with
"class has not been evaluated".
Tried to evaluate it first adding stages and requires, but still same.
I'll explain better with an example:

stage { pre: before => Stage[main] }

class directory($path) {
  file { $path:
    ensure => directory,

class directory::subdirectory {
  file {
      ensure => directory,
      require => [File["$directory::path"],Class["directory"]];

# if I include directory::subdirectory at the end, it works
# but classes come from an ENC, can't order since it's a hash

include directory::subdirectory

class { "directory":
  path => "/tmp/test",
  stage => pre

Applying this manifest produces:
warning: Scope(Class[Directory::Subdirectory]): Could not look up
qualified variable 'directory::path'; class directory has not been
evaluated at test.pp:16
warning: Scope(Class[Directory::Subdirectory]): Could not look up
qualified variable 'directory::path'; class directory has not been
evaluated at test.pp:14
Could not find dependency File[] for File[/other] at test.pp:17

any hint?

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