On Aug 11, 10:54 am, Stefan Schulte <stefan.schu...@taunusstein.net>
> On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 08:30:37AM -0700, Aaron Grewell wrote:
> > It's fine, just make sure class2 requires class1.  That's what requires are
> > for.
> Unfortunately it still doesnt worked. Changed class2 to
>     class mod2::class2 {
>       file { $mod1::class1::message:
>         ensure  => file,
>         require => Class['mod1::class1'],
>       }
>     }
> Manifest is still
>     class { 'mod2::class2': }
>     class { 'mod1::class1': message => 'Hallo Welt'}
> What I get is
> warning: Scope(Class[Mod2::Class2]): Could not look up qualified
> variable 'mod1::class1::message'; class mod1::class1 has not been
> evaluated at /tmp/modules/mod2/manifests/class2.pp:2

I must say I'm not surprised that one didn't work.  Indeed, I would
have been surprised if it had.  The require is inside a scope defined
by the variable in question, and that scope can't be defined in the
first place.

I think I know what's going on.  Basically, 'require' and its friends
are the the wrong tool for the job: they establish order relationships
for determining the order in which resources are *applied* by the
agent, but they not necessarily the order in which resources are
evaluated during catalog compilation by the master.

Were class1 not parameterized, I would recommend that class2 simply
'include' it, and I am confident that would make it all good.  But you
cannot do that with a parameterized class (as far as I am aware), so I
think that leaves you up a creek.

Parameterized Classes -- Finding new ways to break your manifests
since 2010!

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