On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 03:34:02PM +0200, Arnau Bria wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have some code like:
>     {
>         '/srv/cloud' :
>             name     => '/srv/cloud/' ,
>             atboot   => true ,
>             device   => 'iscsidisk01.domain.org:/volumes/POOL/one' ,
>             fstype   => 'nfs' ,
>             remounts => true ,
>             options  => 'defaults' ,
>             ensure   => 'mounted' ,
>             require  => File['/srv/cloud'] ;
>     }

If you dont specify name, puppet will use the title as the name, so

The problem you're having is the trailing slash because when puppet runs
mount to check if /srv/cloud/ is already mounted it doesnt find the
mount. So puppet will always try to mount the device.

Solution: remove the name (so name will implicitly be /srv/cloud) or
change name to /srv/cloud (with no trailing slash)

FTW: This is filed as https://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/6793


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