Does anyone have some examples of using this create_resources
?  Based on the README example I can't figure out exactly how to
change from using defines to using this function.  Maybe I
misunderstand the purpose of it to replace
defines, or is it to allow ENCs (for example) to use a define?

Below is an example of a define I use for apache virtual hosts.  From
the example on the functions readme, does "class webserver::instances"
use the information in $instances?  So if I wanted to create files /
directories from the information in $instances, would that be done in
"class webserver::instances" or else where?

Here's the example...

node 'webserver' {
    apache::vhost {
            domain          => 'com',
            docroot         => '/var/www/',
            options         => 'None',
            override        => 'All',
            protocol        => 'http';

            domain          => 'com',
            docroot         => '/var/www/',
            create_docroot  => false,
            options         => 'None',
            override        => 'All',
            protocol        => 'http';


define apache::vhost (
) {

    host{ "${name}.$domain":
        ensure          => present,
        host_aliases    => [ $name ],
        ip              => $ipaddress_eth0,

if $create_docroot != false {
    file {
            ensure  => directory,
            owner   => $docroot_owner ? {
                        false   => undef,
                        default => $docroot_owner,
            group   => $docroot_group ? {
                        false   => undef,
                        default => $docroot_group,
            mode    => $docroot_mode ? {
                        false   => undef,
                        default => $docroot_mode,
            require => Package['httpd'];

    file { "/etc/httpd/conf.d/$cname.conf":
            ensure  => present,
            owner   => 'root',
            group   => 'root',
            mode    => 644,
            content => $source ? {
                        false   => template('apache/
                        default => $source,
            require => Package['httpd'],
            notify  => Exec['reload-apache'],


- Trey

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