Don't think you need to include if there is a require
On Aug 17, 2011 9:50 AM, "Douglas Garstang" <> wrote:
> If I have:
> class service::common {
> file {
> '/etc/foo':
> ensure => directory;
> '/etc/init.d/ss-functions':
> content => template('service/etc/init.d/ss-functions.erb'),
> require => File['/etc/foo'],
> }
> }
> class platform::common {
> include service::common
> File {
> require => Class['service::common']
> }
> }
> then puppet is telling me:
> Aug 17 09:47:01 test01 puppet-agent[14530]: Could not apply complete
> catalog: Found 1 dependency cycle: (File[/etc/foo] =>
> => File[/etc/foo]) Try the '--graph' option and opening the resulting
> file in OmniGraffle or GraphViz
> I don't get it. How does /etc/foo depend on Service::Common? I mean, it's
> that class... is that why it depends on it? Debugging these is awful...
> Doug,
> --
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