Hmmm.  I upgraded, but when running a test I get:

`gem_original_require': no such file to load -- puppet/rails/resources

# puppet help hostname
err: no such file to load -- puppet/rails/resources

There are:


but no resources.  I'm think I'm up to date with ruby:
 ruby -v
ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [x86_64-linux]

Is there an updated puppet gem that I am missing?

Thanks again.

On Aug 22, 10:45 am, Nan Liu <> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 6:11 AM, puppetlurker
> <> wrote:
> > Greetings,
> > I'm having an issue with my implementation of exported resources.  I
> > have a memcache server pool, and want to update the /etc/php.d/
> > memcache.ini with the ips of all the servers. Previously, I hard coded
> > the $memcacheservers array in the node manifest and the template
> > collected and populated the template.
> > Now that I'm moving to exported resouces, how do I get it to set an
> > array in a way I can access it from a different scope?  I tried moving
> > the file { "/etc/php.d/memcache.ini": content => template(memcache/
> > memcache.ini.erb) to the resource function (I understand exported
> > resources shoulld not define other resources), but it only populates
> > the first server collected, and complains about a duplicate resource
> > if I have more than 1 exported server.
> > I've tried defining the resource without the content the first time,
> > then override the define with the content, but that only picks up the
> > 2nd server.  I've tried accessing the variable that gets populated
> > after the Memcache::Servers <<| |>> but it doesn't get populated in
> > this scope.  I've tried looking up the
> > scope.lookupvar('memcached::servers::memcacheservers') but the
> > exported resource is a define not a class and I couldn't get it to
> > work.  I've tried just using a script to populate the file with the
> > proper contents, but there is no way to ensure it is filled with all
> > the servers,  for example the script is executed out of order,
> > replaced 3 times if there are 3 servers, and may contain 1, 2, or 3
> > servers after a puppet run.
> > Any suggestions?
> I was looking at a similar issue where I need to export data, not
> resource, and be able to lookup the data. It just happens that Dan has
> published a prototype along the line of what you are looking 
> for:
> Thanks,
> Nan

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