hello, I am using puppet-dashboard 1.1 with puppet 2.7.3

I have followed the instructions in the dashboard manual

I can query the inventory service successfully using curl but puppet
dashboard doesn't show any of my nodes. I am running puppet on passenger and
see no

Any ideas?

Here is the output I see in puppet-dashboard's webrick session. As far as I
can tell, dashboard isn't querying the inventory service at all. Perhaps my
version of dashboard is too old

Processing NodesController#index (for at 2011-08-24 08:20:49)
  Parameters: {"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"nodes"}
  Node Load (0.2ms)   SELECT * FROM `nodes`
Rendering template within layouts/application
Rendering nodes/index
  SQL (0.2ms)   SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM `nodes` WHERE
(`nodes`.`hidden` = 0)
  Node Load (0.2ms)   SELECT * FROM `nodes` WHERE ((nodes.status != 'failed'
AND nodes.last_apply_report_id is not NULL) AND (`nodes`.`hidden` = 0))
  Node Load (0.2ms)   SELECT * FROM `nodes` WHERE ((nodes.status = 'failed'
AND nodes.last_apply_report_id is not NULL) AND (`nodes`.`hidden` = 0))
  Node Load (0.3ms)   SELECT `nodes`.* FROM `nodes` INNER JOIN `reports` ON
reports.node_id = nodes.id WHERE ((reports.kind = 'apply' AND reports.status
!= 'failed') AND (`nodes`.`hidden` = 0)) GROUP BY nodes.id
  Node Load (0.2ms)   SELECT `nodes`.* FROM `nodes` INNER JOIN `reports` ON
reports.node_id = nodes.id WHERE ((reports.kind = 'apply' AND reports.status
= 'failed') AND (`nodes`.`hidden` = 0)) GROUP BY nodes.id
  SQL (0.1ms)   SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM `nodes` WHERE
((`nodes`.`reported_at` IS NULL AND `nodes`.`hidden` = 0))
  SQL (0.2ms)   SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM `nodes` WHERE
((`nodes`.`hidden` = 0) AND (reported_at < '2011-08-24 05:20:49'))
  SQL (0.1ms)   SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM `nodes` WHERE
(`nodes`.`hidden` = 1)
  NodeClass Load (0.2ms)   SELECT node_classes.*, count(nodes.id) as
nodes_count FROM `node_classes` LEFT OUTER JOIN node_class_memberships ON (
node_classes.id = node_class_memberships.node_class_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN
nodes ON (nodes.id = node_class_memberships.node_id) GROUP BY
node_classes.id ORDER BY name ASC
Rendered shared/_node_manager_sidebar_for_type (1.8ms)
  NodeGroup Load (0.2ms)   SELECT node_groups.*, count(nodes.id) as
nodes_count FROM `node_groups` LEFT OUTER JOIN node_group_memberships ON (
node_groups.id = node_group_memberships.node_group_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN nodes
ON (nodes.id = node_group_memberships.node_id) GROUP BY node_groups.id ORDER
BY name ASC
Rendered shared/_node_manager_sidebar_for_type (1.7ms)
Rendered shared/_node_manager_sidebar (17.3ms)
Rendered nodes/_search (1.1ms)
  SQL (0.2ms)   SELECT count(DISTINCT `nodes`.id) AS count_all FROM `nodes`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `reports` ON `reports`.id = `nodes`.last_apply_report_id
WHERE (`nodes`.`hidden` = 0)
Rendered statuses/_run_failure (1.7ms)
  Node Load (0.2ms)   SELECT * FROM `nodes` WHERE (`nodes`.`hidden` = 0)
ORDER BY reported_at DESC LIMIT 1
  Node Load (0.2ms)   SELECT * FROM `nodes` WHERE (`nodes`.`hidden` = 0)
ORDER BY reported_at DESC LIMIT 0, 20
Rendered nodes/_nodes (3.2ms)
Rendered shared/_global_nav (1.4ms)
Completed in 30ms (View: 26, DB: 3) | 200 OK [

here is my config/settings.yml, i have put x's in my server name

#===[ Settings ]=========================================================
# This file is meant for storing setting information that is never
# published or committed to a revision control system.
# Do not modify this "config/settings.yml.example" file directly -- you
# should copy it to "config/settings.yml" and customize it there.
#---[ Values ]----------------------------------------------------------

# Node name to use when contacting the puppet master.  This is the
# CN that is used in Dashboard's certificate.
cn_name: 'dashboard'

ca_crl_path: 'certs/dashboard.ca_crl.pem'

ca_certificate_path: 'certs/dashboard.ca_cert.pem'

certificate_path: 'certs/dashboard.cert.pem'

private_key_path: 'certs/dashboard.private_key.pem'

public_key_path: 'certs/dashboard.public_key.pem'

# Hostname of the certificate authority.
ca_server: 'xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.org'

# Port for the certificate authority.
ca_port: 8140

# Key length for SSL certificates
key_length: 1024

# The "inventory service" allows you to connect to a puppet master to
retrieve and node facts
enable_inventory_service: true

# Hostname of the inventory server.
inventory_server: 'xxx.xxxx.org'

# Port for the inventory server.
inventory_port: 8140

# Set this to true to allow Dashboard to display diffs on files that
# are archived in the file bucket.
use_file_bucket_diffs: false

# Hostname of the file bucket server.
file_bucket_server: 'xxxx.xxxx.org'

# Port for the file bucket server.
file_bucket_port: 8140

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