----- Original Message -----
> > and the template will include the zone delegation record.  What I'm
> > trying
> > to figure out is how to generate the serial numbers.
> I'd forego the YYYYMMDDxxx format and use either UNIX epoch time
> which
> is auto-incrementing anyway, or store an integer counter (in a file)
> and
> increment that each time your zone changes.
> (Do note, though, that if you do move away from YYYYMMDDxxx, you'll
>  probably have to "reset" your zones' SOA serial numbers so that
>  slave
>  servers don't miss out on zone transfers. [1].)
> Hope that helps a bit (from the DNS point of view), and I cannot
> really
> give you a good answer from the Puppet-point-of-view.

the puppet problem is if you generate the serial you should only generate
it if the content of the rest of the file changes, this is pretty hard without
a type/provider.

I have some code to increment serials the way you want with yyyymmddxx but 
dont have an immediate answer to how to use that without writing a type

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