Hello folks,

We're starting using Puppet in our production environment and now
we're with some preformance issues.
For example, we've some large(200MB) recursives directories for
puppet's deploy, and that was totally inefficient. (Minimize recursive
file serving: http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/scaling.html).
So we made a test creating our custom debian package (.deb) for our
files and libs. Doing that Puppet don't need to recursively check all
the file's md5sum.
And now we've this catalog :

    file { "/tmp/my-custom.deb":
         ensure => present,
         source => "puppet:///modules/test/deb/my-custom.deb",

    package {"my-custom":
         require  => File['/tmp/my-custom.deb'],
         ensure   => installed,
         source   => "/tmp/my-custom.deb",
         provider => dpkg,

That way, works great (less than 30 sec), but when updated our custom
package puppet just copy the file and do not execute the dpkg to
How can I achive this goal?
And there is a best way to manage large files?
Can someone indicate me some references of the best  deployment
practices (puppet+custom debian or something else) ?

Best regards,
Sidarta Oliveira

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