I thought I read in some documentation somewhere that for array variables
you had a means of setting up a conditional for "last element".

For instance

class foo {
      file {   some-config :
                      path=>"/s/ome/path/2[image: Call phone]/  Invited♫
Invited♫   Invited♫   Invited♫   Invited♫   Invited♫ my/file",
                      content => template("mytemplaste.erb")

and the template

<% hosts.each do |host| -%><% if_not_last_element %><%= host %>, <% end %>
<% if_last_element %><%= host %><% end %>

The result should end up as


Did I dream that or am I mixing up other templating tools I've used?

Peter L. Berghold
Owner, Shark River TechnicalSolutions LLC

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