
I have been using puppet for the last 10 months and everything is
working fine, however, at the moment we have a cron job running in the
clients that pull the configuration from the servers, we want to
change this and be able to do a puppetrun from the server to the
clients (just in case we need to rollback something)

puppetd in the client side is working fine (I think), I have configure
the pupet.conf, auth.conf namespaceauth.conf (with only the ip of the
puppet server), and the service start and run fine.

[root@ns6 cron.d]# netstat -pna | grep -i ruby
tcp        0      0*                   LISTEN      3223/ruby

port is open and in LISTEN mode, however, when I try to deploy from
the master:

[root@puppet classes]# puppetrun --host ns6.xxx.xxx
Triggering ns6.xxxx.xxx
ns6.xxx.xxx finished with exit code 0

it comes with a exit code 0, nothing in the logs on master or client,
tcpdump shows that there is some traffic between them, but the changes
are not commited to the client, if I run with --test on the client, I
see that the changes are made without a problem.

iptables are disable, both servers are connected in the
network, same switch, no vlan, no fw, I'm running out of Ideas, anyone
can give me a hand?


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