
I was running puppet (2.7.5) on a host which needed to have some
settings changed in it's /boot/grub/menu.lst file. This file is
however a link to /boot/grub/grub.conf

When I used augeas in puppet like shown below

augeas { "${dom0::params::module_label}_menu.lst_memory": incl => '/
boot/grub/menu.lst', lens => 'Grub.lns', changes => [ 'set title[1]/
kernel/dom0_mem 2G', 'set title[last()]/kernel/dom0_mem 2G', ], }

it updated the menu.lst, but menu.lst is now a file and not a link
anymore to grub.conf

After changing the puppet module to incl => '/boot/grub/grub.conf',

augeas handled it well

Was this a mistake my side that I included a link instead of a real
file, or is this someting that changed in augeas. I have used this
setup for a long time now and on older servers the link was not

I use the following software

# augeas-0.8.1-2.el5 # augeas-libs-0.8.1-2.el5 # ruby-
augeas-0.4.1-1.el5 # puppet-2.7.5-1.el5


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