On Fri, 7 Oct 2011 06:34:00 -0700 (PDT)
jcbollinger jcbollinger wrote:

> On Oct 7, 8:11 am, Arnau Bria <arnaub...@pic.es> wrote:
> > On Fri, 7 Oct 2011 05:55:34 -0700 (PDT)
> >
> > jcbollinger jcbollinger wrote:
> > > While I'm on this topic, I'll throw in that I would find it
> > > terribly confusing if a class or definition failed to honor my
> > > specification for a parameter named 'ensure'.  
> >
> > Sorry John, but I don't understand this point.
> Because of the consistent manner of "ensure" parameters' use in
> Puppet's built-in resources, and the associated conventions even for
> custom and defined types, I would be very surprised if I ever declared
> something with "ensure => 'absent'" but that specification was
> overridden to the opposite.  Indeed, I would be at least somewhat
> surprised by that with *any* parameter.  Don't give me the option if
> you don't intend to honor it.

Ok, now it's clear.
I should put that logic outside the class, in node/param definitions ..
something like:

        if ($::kernel=='Linux') and ($::lsbmajdistrelease=='6') {
                class { 'common::nrpe' :
                                ensure => absnet,
                class { 'common::nrpe' :
                                ensure => present,

> Inasmuch as this is for testing purposes, however, that's a different
> story.  I don't think I would test in the way you are doing, but then
> again, maybe I would.

> John
Many thanks for your reply,

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