On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 2:34 PM, Boskey <bos...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > I am having trouble getting puppet to find a class thats defined in
>> > one of the modules.I have a module/folder called 'webserver' in /etc/
>> > puppet/modules/, which has a init.pp file with the below content
>> > class webserver{
>> > file {'test.txt':
>> >        path => '/etc/test.txt',
>> >        ensure => present,
>> >        mode => 0640,
>> >        source => "puppet:///webserver/test.txt"
>> >     }
>> > }
>> > I have a nodes.pp file with
>> > node basenode {
>> >        include webserver
>> > }
>> > node 'puppet-client02.eng.xyz.com'inherits basenode {
>> > }
>> > node 'puppet-client.eng.xyz.com'inherits basenode  {
>> > And the site.pp, file has
>> > -SNIP-
>> > import "modules"
>> > import "nodes"
>> > -SNIP-
>> > when I run the puppet on the client i get an error message:
>> > err: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Failed to retrieve current state of
>> > resource: Could not retrieve information from source(s) 
>> > puppet://puppet/plugins
>> > err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
>> > SERVER: Could not find class webserver at /etc/puppet/manifests/
>> > nodes.pp:3 on node puppet-client.eng.xyz.com
>> > warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
>> > err: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
>> > Whats wrong here?, why cant puppet find the class 'webserver', i have
>> > checked with puppet--chkconfig modulepath, and the path is /etc/puppet/
>> > modules
>> ----
>> Do these files exist in this path?
>> /etc/puppet/modules/webserver/manifests/init.pp
>> /etc/puppet/modules/webserver/files/test.txt
>> also, source?
>> source => "puppet:///modules/webserver/test.txt"
>> Craig
> @nan and Craig,
> Yes those files exist in the paths, sorry about the confusing
> statement, but their is a :
> /etc/puppet/modules/webserver/manifests/init.pp
> /etc/puppet/modules/webserver/files/test.txt
> And I did change the Source to add 'modules' path in it, still getting
> the same error message, it looks like Puppet cant find my modules
> although they are in the right path.

Are you using puppet enterprise? What's the output of puppet master
--configprint modulepath? Can the puppet master daemon user (either
puppet or pe-puppet) traverse and read the files in the modules



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