Hi Nan,

On 10/25/2011 07:57 PM Nan Liu wrote:


>> Because of the additional '[OR]' parameter at the end of the second line an
>> endless loop is being created crashing all vhosts. Does anybody have an
>> idea on how to deal with this?
> Try vhostaliases_regex.collect{ |val| "RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}
> #{val}"}.join(" [OR]\n")
>> vhostaliases_regex = ['alias1', 'alias2']
> => ["alias1", "alias2"]
>> val = vhostaliases_regex.collect{ |val| "RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} 
>> #{val}"}.join(" [OR]\n")
> => "RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} alias1 [OR]\nRewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} alias2"
>> puts val
> RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} alias1 [OR]
> RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} alias2
> => nil

why things cannot be always that easy.. that's the snippet of erb code I
made up:

<% if vhostaliases_regex != "" then -%>
<% vhostaliases_new = vhostaliases_regex.collect{ |val| "RewriteCond
%{HTTP_HOST} #{val}"}.join(" [OR]\n  ") %>
<% vhostaliases_new.each do |Alias| %><%= Alias %><% end %>
RewriteRule ^/(.*)  http://<%= servername %>/$1 [L,R=301]
<% end -%>

Thanks :)

- Jan

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