Hello all,

I am facing a problem while dealing with a custom provider and its
requirements. I have included a custom provider (with its custom
types) into my puppet deployment that is expected to deal with all
tasks related to glassfish. This provider is able to create domains,
deploy applications and other features.

This provider also requires a glassfish executable named 'asadmin'
that is available after glassfish is installed. If the executable is
available at the machine where agent is executed all works fine but if
it is not available a message like '[default] ←[0;37mdebug:
Puppet::Type::Domain::ProviderAsadmin: file asadmin does not exist←[0m
Could not find a default provider for domain' is returned.

All that behaviour is normal since there are not alternative providers
for my resources and then the provider is not appliable but the
problem appears when I want to install the application AND THEN work
with the provider. In the theoretical scenario, puppet should install
glassfish, deal with path and finally do some work with the provider
but the real scenario is not that. The real scenario is that puppet
does a prefetch of all resources that deal with providers and tries to
load them. Since 'asadmin' is not yet available, the execution fails.

Do anyone knows any way to let puppet skip that (or delay it until
glassfish has been installed) and finish successfully? Would stages do
a trick here? The only workaround that I have found has been perform
the installation in a first provision and then, at the second
provision, deal with resources.

- Install Glassfish
- Configure Glassfish
- Deal with resources (provider)

Sample code:

node default {
  include glassfish

  Domain {
    user         => "${glassfish::user}",
    asadminuser  => "${glassfish::admin_user}",
    passwordfile => "${glassfish::home}/.aspass",
    portbase     => "${glassfish::domain_port}"

  domain { $glassfish::domain :
    ensure     => present,
        require    => File['create-aspass-file'],
        notify     => Service['glassfish'],

class glassfish {
  include glassfish::download, glassfish::install, glassfish::config

  Class['glassfish::download'] -> Class['glassfish::install'] ->

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