----- Original Message -----
> Hello,
> I've mcollective 1.2.1 with puppet 2.6.12 on rhel5.6, facter 1.6.2
> setup from
> http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/mcollective-plugins/wiki/FactsFacterYAML.
> Now I've create a custom fact in /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/facter/
> customer_status.rb.

you should be using pluginsync to copy out custom facts:


> On the client;
> Running facter customer_status works.
> Running 'puppet agent --test' works, customer_status is set in /etc/
> mcollective/facts.yaml
> On the server;
> But running 'mc-puppetd --wi <client> runonce' doesn't set the
> customer_status in /etc/mcollective/facts.yaml.

this could only really be down to some environment change, maybe its
not picking up those fact or your custom fact only works based on
some set of stuff in the environment etc?

all runonce does is do:

puppetd --onetime

which will spawn off a copy of puppet into the background and let it do
a normal run, with pluginsync enabled in puppet.conf etc it should all
work fine.

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