Hi all,

I've downloaded and installed puppet-concat module and was trying to
use it.

After reading doc, I've set concatdir to /tmp only for test purpose,
but I'm wondering what is a good value for concatdir.
Maybe /var/lib/puppet/concat? I guess I have to create it, am I right?

So, following the example at github, I've created some code like:

class common::sudo {
        include concat::setup
                concat::fragment{'test_2' :
                        target  => '/etc/sudoers' ,
                        content => "test";

And then:

node 'Node' {
        class {
                'common::sudo' : ;

But I get the error:

err: Failed to apply catalog: Could not find dependent
Exec[concat_/etc/sudoers] for
at /etc/puppet/modules/concat/manifests/fragment.pp:48

What am I doing wrong? Anyone has seen this error before?


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