I have installed and configured the puppet client nodes to use LDAP to
authenicate users.
LDAP connection is OK and user can be authenicated via LDAP.
I use nscd and with my ldap config setting specify on /etc/ldap.conf

However, puppet is not happy; and in the /var/log/messages it gives
tons of

puppet-agent[27499]: nss_ldap: could not search LDAP server
puppet-agent[27499]: nss_ldap: reconnecting to LDAP server

I guess LDAP server connection is slow or timeout, but could we
configure puppet client NOT to use LDAP specify on nsswitch.conf

I search previous post; and somebody suggests to fix LDAP locally. I
think that is the ideal way; but if I don't have control on LDAP. Give
up Puppet or LDAP?

I think should have way to configure puppet not to use the host
setting set on nsswitch.conf.
/etc/sysconfig/puppet  or /etc/puppet/puppet.conf  <--- anywhere we
can tell puppet to use alternative auth way other than the default
system /etc/nsswitch.conf

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