We have been working on going through the list of submitted patches in
Patchwork[0], and the open pull requests in GitHub[1][2][3].  There has
been activity on a number of them, but not all with activity have
resulted in merged changes.

We also recently finished work on a fix for the problem of using Puppet
to install the requirements for types & modules that are shipped to the
agent via pluginsync (#6907).  This has not been merged yet, but is
ready for wider testing, and review[4].

Merged changes in Puppet:

 Merritt Krakowitzer provided the base fix for updating the lastchg
 shadow file field on Solaris when changing a user's password (#6371).
 This has been merged into the 2.7.x, and master branches, and is in
 the current 2.7.7 RC.

Merged changes in Facter:

 Jason Gill provided support for Parallels Server Bare Metal (#10233).
 This has been merged into the 1.6.x, and master branches, and
 released in 1.6.3.

 Jason Gill provided support for retrieving information about block
 devices on Linux (#10238).  This has been merged into the master

 Jeff Palmer provided support for Ascendos (#10228).  This has been
 merged into the 1.6.x, and master branches, and released in 1.6.3.

 Stefan Schulte provied a fix for the macaddress fact incorrectly
 handling the case where no macaddress was found (#10490).  This mas
 been merged into the 1.6.x branch.

[0] https://patchwork.puppetlabs.com
[1] https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pulls
[2] https://github.com/puppetlabs/facter/pulls
[3] https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-dashboard/pulls
[4] https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/223

Current backlog:

 * #6907 - Ensure providers can be used in the same puppet run that
           their prerequisites are delivered in

 * #7316 - puppet applications delivered via pluginsync don't work.

 * #5517 - Overriding parameters on included & inherited classes

 * #3741 - Custom facts loaded multiple times

 * #4916 - Plugins should not be able to override core functionality.

 * #7788 - Puppet should allow rubygems to deliver new functionality

 * #3910 - Server is not authoritative over client environment when
           specified in an ENC

 * #3534 - Dashboard should support ability to set variables as arrays
           in the ENC

 * #2247 - enablerepo and disablerepo for yum type

Jacob Helwig

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