On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 3:06 PM, Christopher Wood
<christopher_w...@pobox.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 12:05:02PM -0800, Jeff Gutierrez wrote:
>> Has anyone successfully puppetized BigIP (F5)?
>> I'm specifically trying to figure out a path in making our BigIP
>> instances be under puppet so all the VIPs, pools, profiles, etc. are
>> all under puppet control. My requirements are probably going to be
>> fulfilled even with just uploading a rules file if a delta's detected.
>> The main issue I have now is figuring out when to reload the rules
>> without doing it every time the puppet agent executes.
>> I'd appreciate any information.

Yes, please checkout:

Rules can be managed like a puppet resource:
node f5.puppetlabs.lan {
  f5_rule { 'demo':
    ensure     => 'present',
    definition => 'when HTTP_REQUEST {}',

> What did F5 say about whether this voids your warranty?

No, it doesn't void your warranty because we don't run an agent on the
f5 device.  Puppet runs through a proxy server, and use the iControl
API to remotely query and configure your F5 device.

This project is under active development, please feel free to contact
me directly for feedback/suggestions and file any issues under puppet
modules at:



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