Hi Greg,

There are some problems with SSL and ruby 1.9.2.  Please visit the
link below for solving the issue.


Hope it helps.


On Nov 24, 12:56 pm, Greg Sutcliffe <greg.sutcli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm having issues with getting a client to request a certificate from
> my master when using Ruby 1.9. The error message is:
> "err: Could not request certificate: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0
> state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed"
> I saw earlier messages on this topic
> (https://groups.google.com/d/topic/puppet-users/-knxubNs6sY/discussion)
> but the workaround suggested there (to create a hashed link to the CA)
> doesn't seem to solve the problem for me.
> Some details of my setup:
> Master: Debian Wheezy, Puppet 2.7.6, Ruby 1.8.7, Passenger
> Client: Archlinux, Puppet 2.7.6, Ruby 1.9.3
> As stated, copying and hashing the ca from the Debian machine to the
> Arch machine doesn't solve the problem. I thought I might have an
> issue with differing versions of ruby, so I fired up a second
> Archlinux machine (so Ruby 1.9.3 / Puppet 2.7.6 again, but Webrick
> this time) and even then still got the same behaviour - with or with
> out the pre-hashed ca, I get the same error. For completeness, it
> should be said that this second Arch box can create it's own ca, and
> run as an agent against itself.
> I'm stumped. Presently I'm waiting for ruby1.8 to compile for Arch. I
> know this will solve the issue, but I'd really like to get 1.9 working
> since it's the default in Arch. I plan to try and find out what 1.8 is
> doing that 1.9 is not (or vice-versa) but if anyone has encountered
> this or wants to give me some tips on where to look, that would be
> appreciated...
> Cheers,
> Greg

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