Hi Guys,

At my company, we've been trying to get puppet to run properly for
quite some time and it really looks great... except for using external
recipes using parameters etc.

Let me explain the problem:

We've got a an environment with a puppetmaster and some hosts, and
we've created about a dozen of homebrew recipes (in order to
understand how to use puppet properly)...
Okay, my current recipes all have a class in /etc/puppet/modules/
<modulename>/manifests/init.pp and look like this:

class nagios-nrpe-server {

    package { "nagios-nrpe-server":
        ensure => present,

    file { "/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg":
        owner   => root,
        group   => root,
        mode    => 644,
        source  => "puppet:///nagios-nrpe-server/nrpe.cfg",

    file { "/etc/nagios/nrpe_local.cfg":
        owner   => root,
        group   => root,
        mode    => 644,
        source  => "puppet:///nagios-nrpe-server/nrpe_local.cfg",

    service { 'nagios-nrpe-server':
      ensure     => running,
      enable     => true,
      hasrestart => true,
      hasstatus  => true,
      subscribe  => [File['/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg'],File['/etc/nagios/
      require   => Package['nagios-nrpe-server'],
Sometimes we  use an ERB-style template, which is pretty cool too.

Classes are applied to client-machines using this (simplified)
manifests/nodes.pp file:
node basenode {
        include ntp
        include denyhosts
        include ssh
        include nrpe
        include apt
        include mailname
        include sudo
        include motd
        include be-ict-essentials
        include munin-node

node 'xs4all-host' inherits basenode {
        include resolv

node 'www.foo.nl' inherits xs4all-host {

node 'sql.foo.nl' inherits basenode {
# some more modules....

node 'www2.foo.nl' inherits xs4all-host {
# some more modules....

That's fine, but I'm very interested in using the parametrised modules/
classes which everybody seems to use . I do see how they work, but I
don't actually understand in what way they're being deployed to
clients (ie. I do not know how include them properly in my nodes.pp
and whether to create a class OR a module for those).

For example, please have a look at:

They're creating a mysql::server class.
How should I incorporate it in the sql.foo.nl node aforementioned?

We've put the class in /etc/puppet/modules/mysql/manifests/init.pp ,
and that's the first question I have. What should be the path? I'm
actually a bit puzzled by the :: in the class name, but since it
declares the server class as part of the mysql module the
aforementioned path should be correct (I presume!). Agree?

Okay, the next part is telling the sql.foo node to become a mysql
server. I tried several constructions, all of which fail due to name
resolution problems.

node 'sql.foo' inherits basenode
        $mysql_password = "C6dDIls49ci3GEzl1vgwRUXT"
        include mysql::server
I think it should be like this, but apparently this is incorrect.

Would someone please be so kind to explain how to use that kind of
recipe? Of point me to the relevant documentation about it (most is
either about setting up the basic puppet, or creating very nifty
recipes....but I'm currently missing the link between those).


Boudewijn Ector

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