Hi All,

We use a package called "Torque Scheduler" which is based on a
configuration file that defines nodes, the queues they handle, how many
slots, etc. The config file format is similar to:

unlimited <node1> <node2> ... <nodeN>

node <node1> <load> <slots> <queue1>:<priority> <queue2>:<priority> ...
node <node2> <load> <slots> <queue1>:<priority> <queue2>:<priority> ...
node <nodeN> <load> <slots> <queue1>:<priority> <queue2>:<priority> ...

(a node may or may not be listed as "unlimited")

We would normally store this file as-is in Puppet and push it out using
file {}, but I'd like to "Puppetize" it. Ideally, I'd like to be able to do
the following:

node { "node1":
   unlimited => true,
   load => XX,
   slots => XX,
   queues => {
      "queue1" => 80,
      "queue2" => 20,
      "queueN" => XX

So basically to build the config file, I'd have to process all the nodes
and where unlimited is true, add to the "unlimited" line.

I know what I want the config file to look like, but I'm not sure how to
achieve this in Puppet. Does this sound like a job for a custom Puppet
provider? I can't figure out how I would build the "unlimited" line over

Can anyone suggest a module that does something similar to this so I can
get some ideas flowing?

Thanks in advance.

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