On 2011-12-08 11:07 , Jo Rhett wrote:
> I've found some problems due to the extremely random ordering puppet
> does.  It is necessary for some of these items to all happen together,
> with no other random resources executed in between.  Is there some way
> to arrange this with puppet?
> -- 
> Jo Rhett
> Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source and
> other randomness

Have you tried specifying the dependencies between your resources?

package { 'foo':
  ensure => installed,

file { '/etc/foo.conf':
  ensure => file,
  source => 'puppet:///module/foo/foo.conf',
  require => Package['foo'],

service { 'foo':
  ensure => running,
  subscribe => File['/etc/foo/foo.conf'], Package['foo'],

Both subscribe and require will setup ordering between resources.

Jacob Helwig

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