
  What are the VM's definitions of its network interfaces?

  Also, if you are trying Linux, what are the contents of
/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules ?

Charles Buckley

On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 1:41 PM, Luke <lutay...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I created a module for modifying the base network settings on a
> machine. However no matter what changes I make it keeps giving me the
> error "has different MAC address than expected, ignoring" when the
> network tries to startup.
> I am testing this out on the puppet learning VM.
> Does anyone see anything wrong with my code:
> init.pp
> --------------------------
> define basehost ($ipaddress, $gateway, $hostname, $environ,
> $macaddress) {
>   file { 'hosts':
>        path    => '/etc/hosts',
>        ensure  => 'present',
>        owner => 'root',
>        group => 'root',
>        mode => '644',
>        content => template("basehost/hosts.erb"),
>        notify => Service[network],
>      }
>   file { 'resolv.conf':
>        path    => '/etc/resolv.conf',
>        ensure  => 'present',
>        owner => 'root',
>        group => 'root',
>        mode => '644',
>        content => template("basehost/resolv.conf.erb"),
>        notify => Service[network],
>      }
>   file { 'network':
>        path    => '/etc/sysconfig/network',
>        ensure  => 'present',
>        owner => 'root',
>        group => 'root',
>        mode => '644',
>        content => template("basehost/network.erb"),
>        notify => Service[network],
>      }
>   file { 'ifcfg-eth0':
>        path    => '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0',
>        ensure  => 'present',
>        owner => 'root',
>        group => 'root',
>        mode => '644',
>        content => template("basehost/ifcfg-eth0.erb"),
>        notify => Service[network],
>      }
>    service { network:
>         ensure => "running",
>         hasstatus => "true",
>         hasrestart => "true",
>         restart => "/etc/init.d/network restart",
>      }
>    }
> hosts.erb
> ----------------------------
> # Do not remove the following line, or various programs
> # that require network functionality will fail.
>               localhost.localdomain localhost
> <%= ipaddress %>  <%= hostname %> <%= hostname %>.<%= environ
> %>.mydomain.local manage.<%= environ %>.mydomain.net
> ::1             localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
> resolve.conf.erb
> ----------------
> search <%= environ %>.mydomain.local
> nameserver
> nameserver
> network.erb
> ------------------
> HOSTNAME=<%= hostname %>.<%= environ %>.mydomain.local
> GATEWAY=<%= gateway %>
> ifcfg-eth0.erb
> ----------------
> # Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] 79c970 [PCnet32 LANCE]
> DEVICE=eth0
> BOOTPROTO=static
> IPADDR=<%= ipaddress %>
> ONBOOT=yes
> HWADDR=<%= macaddress %>
> Gets kicked off using:
> basehost {'basehostsetup':
>  ipaddress => '',
>  gateway => '',
>  hostname => 'myhostname',
>  environ => 'test',
>  macaddress => '00:50:56:ac:40:8a',
>  }
> --
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