Hello there,

I'm having exactly the same issue except I'm trying to install puppet via 
cloud provisioning... but I think I might have messed up something along 
the way.

My first install was successful except I didn't provide a certname 
parameter while running "puppet node init" and the default generated was 
appended with a long hash of some sort:


Despite functional, that's not exactly what I wanted so I revoked the cert 
on the puppetmaster, re-installed, signed the new cert on the puppetmaster 
and now am getting the exact message described before:

root@www-dev2:~# puppet agent --test
warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
info: Caching certificate for www-dev2
info: Retrieving plugin
info: Loading facts in facter_dot_d
info: Loading facts in facter_dot_d
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
validate_re(): "" does not match "^true$|^false$" at 
/opt/puppet/share/puppet/modules/pe_mcollective/manifests/init.pp:40 on 
node www-dev2
warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
err: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run

I assume my condition is different from the original poster's given I'm 
attempting to spool up a new server using cloud provisioning with PE? Any 
thoughts on what my next steps should be?

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