* Ola <anton.lothman at gmail.com> [2012/01/06 03:38]:
> I have created a simple snmp class (similar to this one)
> http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.sysutils.puppet.user/21966
> What i want now is to customize it so i can have different
> snmpd.conf files for different servers. Is it correct that i
> should create something like class ntp::params end there declare
> the different scenarios? Also i declare something like $placement
> or something like that that differents the server?

We do something like this:

  file {
      source  => [

This lets you override the default for specific hosts or
environments, but have a fallback.  Note that you can use any facts
in there, so stuff like $operatingsystem, $operatingsystemrelease,
and $kernel are available.

Darren Chamberlain <dar...@boston.com>

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