Thanks, I didn't realize it had to be a local file.

On Jan 20, 5:07 pm, Josh Cooper <> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 2:47 PM, tborthwick <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I've set up a puppetmaster on red hat and a client on windows 7
> > (puppet version 2.7.9 on both), and I'm getting this error when I run
> > puppet agent --server <> --waitforcert 60 --test:
> > info: Applying configuration version '1327098121'
> > err: /Stage[main]/Win_test/Package[win_test]/ensure: change from
> > absent to present failed: The source parameter is required when using
> > the MSI provider.
> > My manifest looks like this:
> > class win_test {
> >  package { win_test: ensure => present }
> >  file { "c:/test/win_test_file":
> >         ensure => 'file',
> >         owner = 'Administrator',
> >         source => 'puppet:///modules/win_test/win_test_file',
> >         require => Package["win_test"]
> >  }
> > }
> > I have a file at /etc/puppet/modules/win_test/files/win_test_file.
> You need a source parameter in your package resource, from which msiexec
> can install the msi. At present, this must be a local file (or mapped
> drive).
> Presumably, the msi you want to install, is the one you downloaded from
> your module? If so, then you just need:
> package { 'win_test':
>   ensure => 'installed',
>   source => 'c:/test/win_test_file'
> }
> Josh
> --
> Josh Cooper
> Developer, Puppet Labs

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