I've got a bit of a head-scratcher here, though I'm sure it must be
something small.  I'm trying to enable a service for next boot without
starting it.  That usually "just works" but for some reason this time
around it isn't.  The node keeps trying to start the service which
will always fail because it requires a reboot in order to enable the
necessary kernel parameters.  How do I make Puppet stop trying to
start the service?

The error:
err: /Stage[main]/Kdump/Service[kdump]/ensure: change from stopped to
running failed: Could not start Service[kdump]: Execution of
'/sbin/service kdump start' returned 1:  at

The code (minus the comments at the top):
20 class kdump {
 21     include grub
 22     include sysctl
 23     include rebooter::enable
 25     grub::set_kparam { 'crashkernel':
 26         value => '128M',
 27     } # grub::set_kparam
 29     sysctl::conf {
 30         'kernel.core_uses_pid' : value => 1;
 31         'fs.suid_dumpable'     : value => 1;
 32     } # sysctl::conf
 34     file { "/etc/kdump.conf":
 35         mode    => "644",
 36         source  => "puppet:///modules/kdump/kdump.conf",
 37     } # file
 39     file { "/etc/sysconfig/kdump":
 40         mode    => "644",
 41         source  => "puppet:///modules/kdump/sysconfig-kdump",
 42     } # file
 44     service { "kdump":
 45         enable  => true,
 46     } # service
 47 } # class kdump

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