Hi Daniel,

On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 2:33 PM, Daniel <wildahun...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Those items corrected the issues except that it hangs.  It copies the
> file as specified and sets all the permissions then just hangs.
> puppet agent --verbose --server master.puppet.marketvine.com  --
> logdest c:\junk\puppetinfo_430.txt
> notice: Starting Puppet client version 2.7.12
> info: Caching catalog for wn7x64-6myj5q1
> info: Applying configuration version '1330554637'
> info: FileBucket adding {md5}f4e04d7bdf2a9da08bf419b6358bb774
> info: /Stage[main]//Node[wn7x64-6myj5q1]/File[c:/test/puppet/target/
> win_test_file.txt]: Filebucketed c:/test/puppet/target/
> win_test_file.txt to puppet with sumf4e04d7bdf2a9da08bf419b6358bb774
> notice: /Stage[main]//Node[wn7x64-6myj5q1]/File[c:/test/puppet/target/
> win_test_file.txt]/content: content changed '{md5}
> f4e04d7bdf2a9da08bf419b6358bb774' to '{md5}
> 6dd90ee1f9641d34b48636156c012a90'
> notice: /Stage[main]//Node[wn7x64-6myj5q1]/File[c:/test/puppet/target/
> win_test_file.txt]/owner: owner changed 'Administrators' to
> 'S-1-5-21-1802859667-647903414-1863928812-1828668'
> notice: /Stage[main]//Node[wn7x64-6myj5q1]/File[c:/test/puppet/target/
> win_test_file.txt]/mode: mode changed '2000700' to '0755'
> notice: Finished catalog run in 8.24 seconds
> It just sits at this point w/o a command prompt until I hit control-C

On Windows, `puppet agent` will sit in a loop, periodically applying
catalogs based on the runinterval property. You will need to specify
--onetime to have the agent perform a single run. This option is also
enabled when using --test.

One difference between Windows and Unix when running `puppet agent` is that
on Unix we daemonize by default -- the current process does a fork/exec,
and the daemonized child does setsid, closes stdin/out/err fds, etc. On
Windows, we do not support daemonizing, so the puppet run (and subsequent
event loop) occur in the current process until interrupted.


Josh Cooper
Developer, Puppet Labs

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