HI Matt,

On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 6:45 AM, Matt Mencel <m...@techminer.net> wrote:

> Hi Josh,
> On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 6:12 PM, Josh Cooper <j...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
>> Hi Matt,
>> On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 2:58 PM, Matt Mencel <m...@techminer.net> wrote:
>>> I recently noticed that the Windows host where I installed the Puppet
>>> agent for testing was thrashing the CPU.
>>> The culprit ended up being Ruby.exe *32 - "Ruby interpreter (CUI)
>>> [i386-mingw32]".  This is actually being launched by the
>>> puppet-agent service in Windows.
>> Did you install the service as described in the wiki page with nssm? Or
>> did you install the MSI, which installed the service for you? If it's the
>> former, what version of puppet are you using?
> I installed Ruby from
> http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/74293/rubyinstaller-1.8.7-p334.exe using
> the instructions in the Wiki and then the two gem install lines listed just
> below that to install all the win32-* gems.
>>>  The CPU on the host was pegged around 50% all day long.  When I shut
>>> down the puppet-agent it went down to a reasonable level...hovering in the
>>> low single digits most of the time.
>>> Start puppet-agent and CPU Usage (on both CPUs in a 2vCPU host)
>>> immediately pegs to 40%-60%....stop puppet-agent and it drops to near zero.
>>> Is this a known issue?  Puppet-agent eating up tons of CPU time (via the
>>> ruby interpreter)?
>> What happens if you stop the puppet-agent service and launch cmd.exe with
>> elevated privileges (Run as Administrator), then try running:
>> 1. facter.bat --timing
I can't tell from the screen shot whether facter exited or not?

2. puppet.bat agent --test --debug
When you run `ruby install.rb` it should create the puppet config
directory, C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\puppet (on 2008). It appears this
directory has gone missing. Did you delete the directory due to SSL issues?

If the 'C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\puppet' directory does not exist, then
puppet will refuse to run. I ran into this issue sometime ago (
http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/9460). My understanding is that
puppet has had issues in the past creating non-existent parent directories
that it isn't explicitly managing, e.g. /etc/puppet. I don't know the exact
details as it was before my time here. So we decided to keep the windows
behavior the same as on unix.

However, this means if you run puppet as a service, nssm will keep trying
to restart puppet, which is why you keep seeing new ruby processes.

Can you stop the service, re-run ruby install.rb, make sure you can run
puppet.bat agent --test --debug from the command line (with elevated
privileges). If that works, then you should be able to start the service.

With that said, we are working on a new puppet MSI package and service code
that doesn't rely on nssm. If you would like to try it out, please contact
me directly.


Josh Cooper
Developer, Puppet Labs

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