On Mar 28, 5:09 am, John Kennedy <skeb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We have set up Nagios to monitor the access time for
> /var/lib/puppet/state/state.yaml to ensure that puppetd is checking in in a
> timely manner.
> It appears as though it is not because state.yaml is over 39,000 seconds
> old. If I manually run puppet agent --test on the client then puppet does
> run and state.yaml is updated.
> I can see nothing in the logs to indicate that puppet is erroring out.
> puppet.conf has the following:
> runinetrval = 600
> indicating that puppet should check in every 10 minutes (too often in my
> opinion,  but not my call).
> Should state.yaml be updated every 10 minutes as implied here or should I
> check else where?

I am not confident that you can rely on state.yaml being updated when
nothing changes.  Your master and agent logs show both show whether
the agent has been checking in, so I suggest you look there next to
better characterize the problem.


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