
    And now the issue. It seems like the writer of the range()
    function did not think about ranges with more than one digit that
    need leading zeros in the first items, like "01..99", when you
    usually want to have 01, 02, and so on. Ruby allows you to do
    ("01".."99") and that will do the right thing, but the range()
    function provided with stdlib does some type conversion (detects
    if it's a number, and changes the type to integer) which converts
"01" to 1 breaking this possibility.

Hey Pablo,

Just a question - do you have a NEED for it to be [01...99] with the leading zero? If I understand correctly, the end result is the same, as the range function will cast 01 to 1 and not BREAK because you pass it 01 - correct? Maybe I'm missing why you would need to use 01 explicitly?

Yes, some of our machines are like "node01-node50", that's why I tried to do that. The thing is that Ruby allows you to do that if you say ("00".."50") instead of (0..50). The only difference is that the array will be of strings, and the second of integers. Maybe an example illustrates better:

irb(main):008:0> ("08".."12").to_a
=> ["08", "09", "10", "11", "12"]

irb(main):010:0> (8..12).to_a
=> [8, 9, 10, 11, 12]

But then, the range() function in stdlib, makes a type conversion, that breaks this possibility. I don't understand why do you do that conversion... the function is just an interface to the "range" capability of Ruby, right? I think it should allow the programmer to choose the type he wants.

No problem. We've turned off Github Issues because we use our central Redmine server for bug tracking --> http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/modules/issues Please feel free to file any module tickets here!

I saw that, but I can only see the tickets, cannot open one myself. Do I have to create myself an account? How?

So, I tried to change that myself, but no matter what I do to the range.rb file, the changes are not picked up by the node. Do I have to do something to force a reload of the file? This runs in the server, right?

Do you know if, after editing a .rb file, I have to force some kind of reload to pick up the changes?


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