Depending on how complex the hosts file needs to be, what LenR may be best 
or I have sometimes also approached this kind of issue by using 
parameterized classes can work well too. You can use a define classname 
($variables_to_pass_to_template) { } and then you don't have to work with 
ERB-type conditionals. Its a matter of preference in my opinion. So it 
would do something like this:

define location-based-hosts ($my_specific_hosts) {

file { "etc/hosts":
    ensure => present,
    content => template("puppet:///hosts/hosts_template.erb"),

Then call it with:

hosts::location-based-hosts { "us-west":
    my_specific_hosts => "list of the important host entries",

And finally, in the hosts_template.erb: localhost
<%= my_specific_hosts %>

The syntax should be good but I may have missed something. Again its all 
matter of preference but I have all my templates set up this way, that way 
my templates look as close to the end file as possible and all the "magic" 
happens in my manifests. 


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