On Apr 16, 2012, at 6:51 PM, Dan White wrote:
> I got a bunch of error complaining about "rpaths", and in the output was a 
> suggestion to prepend an environment setting to the command -- like this:
> QA_RPATHS=$[ 0x0001|0x0010 ] rpmbuild -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/ruby.spec
> When I ran this, the previous errors were now warnings, and I got a set of 
> RPM's.
> Is this The Way It Works ?
> Is it possible to eliminate the errors/warnings ?
> Would a link to a PatchBin of the build output help ?

Yes, this is the way it works.  Read up on what those particular rpath errors 
mean, and I think you'll come to understand why they don't matter. But it's 
best to read for yourself ;-)

FYI, go edit that spec file and put the latest ruby patch release in there. 
There's some important fixes in the latest ruby patches, and the spec file and 
patches work just great with the latest ruby release.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source and other 

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