On Apr 27, 6:21 pm, Steve Roberts <strob...@strobe.net> wrote:
> On Apr 18, 6:46 am, jcbollinger <john.bollin...@stjude.org> wrote:
> > On Apr 17, 5:04 pm,SteveRoberts<strob...@strobe.net> wrote:
> > > On Apr 17, 6:25 am, jcbollinger <john.bollin...@stjude.org> wrote:
> > > well, allowdupe doesn't fix the issue only masks it.  I knew about
> > > taht attribute but
> > > it just adds a duped group instead of making right the user/group.
> > Indeed, but that's what you asked about.
> actually I was asking if there was an attribute that would override
> the other group with the same GID with the new group name.
> would require a provider that didn't just try to use 'useradd' but it
> could be written.
> something like a 'authoritative' attribute that would check for an
> existing user/group witht he spec'd UID/GID and replace it if it
> exists.
> the allowdupe would still be around if you want to just have an
> additional name with the same UID/GID.

Ah.  No.  You're still missing a critical aspect of this situation:
independent of the system tools used (useradd, etc.), the UNIX
architecture provides username / groupname as the ONLY unique key to
the user and group databases.  UIDs and GIDs don't cut it because they
are not required to be distinct.  As such, Puppet will never change
the name of an existing user or group, at least on UNIX or Linux,
because that would change it into a *different* user / group than the
one being managed. Additionally, that presents a sticky problem if the
user having the target GID is also managed under its actual name.

To put it a different way, Puppet provides no way to express the idea
"the group with GID 42 should have the name 'answer'" because it
cannot safely rely on GID 42 to uniquely identify one group.

It is conceivable that providers for Windows or OS X, which use
different primary keys for their user and group databases, could be
given special parameters that would enable the behavior similar to
what you're looking for, based on their own unique keys, but even then
you wouldn't be identifying groups by GID per se.

> > I don't understand what you're looking for.  You started off
> > dissatisfied that Puppet goes boom immediately, yet you don't want the
> > system to go boom later, either.  You understandably don't want to
> > create groups with duplicate gids.  What behavior would you actually
> > like to see?
> Like I mentioned above a 'authoritative' type flag.

You've taken that out of context.  The point I was making was that it
is preferable for Puppet to report an error at runtime than to
silently ignore problems or exercise behaviors that risk causing a
failure later.

As far as an 'authoritative' flag goes, you are free to create a
custom user provider that offers such a thing as an optional feature.
You would also need to modify the User type to know about that
feature.  In the end, however, the fact remains that GID simply
*isn't* an authoritative identifier for UNIX groups, even if you
induce Puppet act as if it were.


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