On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 12:17 PM, Miles Stevenson
<miles.steven...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been experiencing what appears to be a subtle bug in Puppet, and I'm
> wondering if anybody has in idea on a good workaround. The bug report is
> here: http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/9277

This only affect files in the subdirectory created/managed by
something other than the file resource type. If you are wrapping a
file resource in a define type, you should not be affected. Here's a
gist example: https://gist.github.com/2605292.

> I'm using definitions in puppet to manage 3 different sets of file resources
> related to the websites we deploy in our LAMP environment: apache modules,
> vhosts, and website docroots. We need to be able to easily deploy hundreds
> of different websites on different servers. And for each of those websites,
> those are the 3 things that need to get managed (the apache modules needed
> to be installed and active on the server, the vhost configuration for that
> specific website, and the data files for that specific website which holds
> all the .html, .php, etc. files).
> So for each of these entities, I'm using definitions. For example, every
> site needs to have it's own vhost file. So I've create a definition for
> vhosts that takes in the parameters for that particular site, and creates
> the vhost file properly using a .erb template. All of these vhost files get
> placed into /etc/apache2/sites-enabled. 1 file for each website.
> But here's the hard part. When I remove one of the websites from being
> managed by puppet, I want puppet to clean up those resources that are no
> longer needed. Apache should no longer serve the page for that website once
> I've removed it from puppet.  I want puppet to remove the vhost file in
> /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/. So I set up that directory to be a "file"
> resource (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/" and use the "purge" option.
> The problem is that every time puppet runs, it deletes *every* vhost file in
> that directory, and then re-creates the ones I have configured using my
> vhost definition. Puppet is unable to realize that the vhost files created
> by my vhost definition are "managed" files, and therefore should not be
> purged in the first place.
> This becomes a BIG problem once I try and manage all the website files for
> each of our hundreds of websites. This adds up to about 1G of data. So every
> time puppet runs, it purges and re-creates about 1G of files for all those
> different websites. This is obviously having a huge performance impact,
> especially where filebucketing is concerned.
> So, I'm trying to figure out a way around this until this bug is fixed
> because I have a feeling I'm gonna be waiting a while. I've had to turn off
> purging all together for now because of the performance issues. So if I
> remove a website from my puppet config, I need to manually go into each
> webserver and remove the related files for that website.
> So to recap, here is an example:
> I want to purge all the vhosts files that are no longer being managed by
> puppet:
> file { "/etc/apache2/sites-available":
>       ensure => directory,
>       mode => 0755,
>       purge => true,
>       recurse => true,
>       require => Class["webserver::install"],
>       notify => Class["webserver::service"],
>    }

You might want to recurselimit => 1.

> I also want to create a vhost file for each site I want configured:
> First I create a definition:
> define webserver::vhost ( $docroot, $serveralias ) {
>    .... blah, blah code, create the vhost, etc.
> }

So how do you manage the file /etc/apache2/sites-available/$name in

> Then call this definition for each website I want enabled:
> webserver::vhost { 'fakewebsite.com':
>      docroot => '/var/www/fakewebsite.com/html',
>      serveralias => '*.fakewebsite.com',
> }
> Since the file created by webserver::vhost is managed in a different
> resource than the "file" resource for the /etc/apache2/sites-available
> directory, puppet purges and re-creates this vhost file every time puppet is
> run. The same thing also happens for 1G of every .html, .php, .jpg, etc.
> file that is placed into /var/www/*/html for each website, every time puppet
> runs rsync to check for new versions of the website code/data.

As long it's file resource in the define type you should be ok.

> The only way I can think of to get around this, is to create my own custom
> resources, and then use the "resources" metaparameter. So if I could define
> my own custom resource for a vhost file, and then set up a vhost file like
> this:
> vhost { 'fakewebsite.com':
>     docroot => blah,
>     serveralias => blah,
> }
> and then use the "resources" metaparameter:
> resources { 'vhost': purge => true }
> This "should" tell puppet to purge any vhost resources on the *entire*
> system that aren't managed by puppet? Is this the correct way to go about
> this? I am concerned, because if I take this route, it seems like puppet
> will purge everything on the entire server that it believes to be a vhost
> file not managed by puppet. If I mess something up in my vhost resource
> definition, I could potentially destroy my server. And I don't want puppet
> going into /home/ directories and purging backup/test vhost files that users
> may be testing with.
> Any advice?

You will run into 9277 if you write your own native type for vhost.
Your custom vhost type needs to support self.instances, then you can
use purge => true.  However look at the gist example, as long you
specify the file in webserver::vhost, you should be able to purge the

define webserver::vhost {
  file { "/etc/apache2/sites-available/${name}": }



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