Hey guys,

I was wondering if it was possible to access type params within another 

Here is an example of what I would like to do.

Puppet::Type.newtype(:a) do
     newparam(:name) do
>       isnamevar
>      end
      newparam(:path) do
>       end
> end

Puppet::Type.newtype(:b) do
   newparam(:name) do
>     isnamevar
>    end 
   newparam(:needs) do
>    /* I want to access path param from 'a' type here 

      something like resource[:needs].path */

>    end
> end

And the manifest calling that would be 

 a {'test-a' :
> path => '/usr',
> }
>  b {'test-b' :
> needs => a
> }

Is it possible ? 

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