On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 10:27:40AM -0700, Mark Roggenkamp wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to specify a base_directory and a list of directories (as 
> variables that may be pulled via hiera later) that will be created under 
> that base directory.
> base_dir = "/home/base"
> bars = ["a", "b", "c"]
> bars will be used to create the folders under base and also part of the 
> information going into building a template so I don't want to store them as 
> ["$base_dir/a", "$base_dir/b", "$base_dir/c"]. 
> What's the best way to create the bar directories under the base_dir? I'd 
> love to just give File the bars array and specify the base_dir as a 
> property. Should I make a prepend function that would prepend base_dir to 
> each bar and then pass that to File? 
> I tried a definition but then to loop I have to generate a single loop-able 
> structure to call the definition with that contains both bars and base_dir. 
> I looked at create_resources but that seems like it'd force me to make more 
> things variables than I wanted and duplicate more than I would like.
> Thanks,
> Mark

If you don't want to use a define here you can use the way how the regsubst
function works on arrays: It will apply the substition on all elements and
will then return an array with the same length. So this does also work:

    $base_dir = '/home/base'
    $bars = ['a', 'b', 'c']

    # prefix all bars with base_dir
    $dirs = regsubst($bars, '(.*)', "${base_dir}/\\1")

    file { $dirs:
      ensure => directory,


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