This does work though:

class php::params {
  case $osmajor {
    '5': {
        $phpService = 'php53'
        $Modules = [
    default: {
        $phpService = 'php'
        $Modules = [
  $phpVersion = 'latest'
  $phpModules = [ "${phpService}-mysql",

On Friday, 20 July 2012 08:58:15 UTC+1, Brett Maton wrote:
> I'm trying to add elements to an array with the plusingment operator.
> However the following results in 
> err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
> Syntax error at '+>'; expected '}' at 
> /etc/puppet/modules/php/manifests/params.pp:17
> (This isn't a question of whether or not php53 will be happy with 
> php-pecl-memcache, its about extending arrays).
> class php::params {
>   case $osmajor {
>     '5': {
>         $phpService = 'php53'
>         $phpModules = [
>                         'php-pecl-memcache',
>                       ]
>       }
>     default: {
>         $phpService = 'php'
>         $phpModules = [
>                         'php-pecl-memcached',
>                       ]
>       }
>   }
>   $phpVersion = 'latest'
>   $phpModules +> [ "${phpService}-mysql",
>                    "${phpService}-xml",
>                    "${phpService}-mbstring",
>                    "${phpService}-cli",
>                    "${phpService}-gd",
>                    "${phpService}-soap",
>                  ]
> }

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