Correction: below actions are needed:




chown my_user:my_user /var/run/puppet


2012/7/20 Javi Legido <>:
> Fixed changing below line:
> chown my_user:my_user /var/run/puppet
> Regards
> 2012/7/20 Javi Legido <>:
>> Thanks for reply, but your fix didn't worked.
>> I use debian, and below packages versions:
>> ii  puppet                              2.6.2-5+squeeze5
>> Centralized configuration management - agent startup and compatibility
>> scripts
>> ii  puppet-common                       2.6.2-5+squeeze5
>> Centralized configuration management
>> ii  puppetmaster                        2.6.2-5+squeeze5
>> Centralized configuration management - master startup and
>> compatibility scripts
>> Do you know how to pass the user as a parameter to the puppet script?
>> Below content of the /etc/init.d/puppetmaster script:
>> #! /bin/sh
>> # Provides:          puppetmaster
>> # Required-Start:    $network $named $remote_fs $syslog
>> # Required-Stop:     $network $named $remote_fs $syslog
>> # Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
>> # Default-Stop:      0 1 6
>> PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
>> DAEMON=/usr/bin/puppet
>> NAME=master
>> DESC="puppet master"
>> test -x $DAEMON || exit 0
>> [ -r /etc/default/puppetmaster ] && . /etc/default/puppetmaster
>> . /lib/lsb/init-functions
>> if [ ! -d /var/run/puppet ]; then
>>         mkdir -p /var/run/puppet
>> fi
>> chown puppet:puppet /var/run/puppet
>> is_true() {
>>     if [ "x$1" = "xtrue" -o "x$1" = "xyes" -o "x$1" = "x0" ] ; then
>>         return 0
>>     else
>>         return 1
>>     fi
>> }
>> start_puppet_master() {
>>     if is_true "$START" ; then
>>         if [ "$SERVERTYPE" = "mongrel" ]
>>         then
>>             DAEMON_OPTS="$DAEMON_OPTS --servertype=mongrel"
>>             NUMSTART=0
>>             STARTPORT=$PORT
>>             while [ $NUMSTART -lt $PUPPETMASTERS ]; do
>>                 start-stop-daemon --start --quiet
>> --pidfile=/var/run/puppet/${NAME}-${STARTPORT}.pid \
>>                     --startas $DAEMON -- $NAME $DAEMON_OPTS
>> --masterport=$STARTPORT
>> --pidfile=/var/run/puppet/${NAME}-${STARTPORT}.pid
>>                 STARTPORT=$(($STARTPORT + 1))
>>                 NUMSTART=$(($NUMSTART + 1))
>>             done
>>         else
>>             start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile
>> /var/run/puppet/${NAME}.pid \
>>                 --startas $DAEMON -- $NAME $DAEMON_OPTS --masterport=$PORT
>>         fi
>>     else
>>         echo ""
>>         echo "puppetmaster not configured to start, please edit
>> /etc/default/puppetmaster to enable"
>>     fi
>> }
>> stop_puppet_master() {
>>     if [ "$SERVERTYPE" = "mongrel" ]
>>     then
>>         NUMSTART=0
>>         STOPPORT=$PORT
>>         while [ $NUMSTART -lt $PUPPETMASTERS ]; do
>>             start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile
>> /var/run/puppet/${NAME}-${STOPPORT}.pid
>>             rm -f /var/run/puppet/${NAME}-${STOPPORT}.pid
>>             STOPPORT=$(($STOPPORT + 1))
>>             NUMSTART=$(($NUMSTART + 1))
>>         done
>>     else
>>         start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile
>> /var/run/puppet/${NAME}.pid
>>     fi
>> }
>> status_puppet_master() {
>>     if is_true "$START" ; then
>>         if [ "$SERVERTYPE" = "mongrel" ]
>>         then
>>             NUMSTART=0
>>             STARTPORT=$PORT
>>             while [ $NUMSTART -lt $PUPPETMASTERS ]; do
>>                 status_of_proc -p "/var/run/puppet/${NAME}-${STARTPORT}.pid" 
>> \
>>                     "${DAEMON}" "${NAME}-${STARTPORT}"
>>                 STARTPORT=$(($STARTPORT + 1))
>>                 NUMSTART=$(($NUMSTART + 1))
>>             done
>>         else
>>             status_of_proc -p "/var/run/puppet/${NAME}.pid"
>> "${DAEMON}" "${NAME}"
>>         fi
>>     else
>>         echo ""
>>         echo "puppetmaster not configured to start"
>>     fi
>> }
>> case "$1" in
>>     start)
>>         log_begin_msg "Starting $DESC"
>>         start_puppet_master
>>         log_end_msg $?
>>         ;;
>>     stop)
>>         log_begin_msg "Stopping $DESC"
>>         stop_puppet_master
>>         log_end_msg $?
>>         ;;
>>     reload)
>>         # Do nothing, as Puppetmaster rechecks its config automatically
>>         ;;
>>     status)
>>         status_puppet_master
>>         ;;
>>     restart|force-reload)
>>         log_begin_msg "Restarting $DESC"
>>         stop_puppet_master
>>         sleep 1
>>         start_puppet_master
>>         log_end_msg $?
>>         ;;
>>     *)
>>         echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|force-reload}" >&2
>>         exit 1
>>         ;;
>> esac
>> 2012/7/18 Jan <>:
>>> Hi,
>>> On 07/18/2012 03:55 PM Javi wrote:
>>>> Add:
>>>> [main]
>>>> ...
>>>> user myuser
>>>> And:
>>>> [main]
>>>> ...
>>>> user myuser
>>>> sudo /etc/init.d/pupettmaster restart
>>>> But no luck. Any idea?
>>> which distribution you're running on? The user might be set by the init
>>> script by passing the necessary parameters directly to the process and
>>> AFAIK those parameters always take precedence for those specified within
>>> /etc/puppet/puppet.conf ..
>>> Kill the process and try starting it directly:
>>> ------------------------------------>8------------------------------------
>>> # sudo /etc/init.d/pupettmaster stop;
>>> # sudo su -;
>>> # puppetmasterd --config=/etc/puppet.conf;
>>> # ps aux | grep 'puppet';
>>> ------------------------------------8<------------------------------------
>>> Cheers
>>>   - Jan

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