On 07/20/2012 12:48 PM, Fred Gansevles wrote:
> Hi,
> I ran into the same problem, i.e. overriding a class parameter with
> (apparently) no effect
> After some digging, I found that there was an effect, the change was
> reflected in the compiled catalog
> but somehow the Puppet::Parser::Scope::lookupvar method ignored this
> I made a patch for puppet/parser/scope.rb (against puppet-2.7.16) that
> makes lookupvar look in the right place
> I don't know what effect this patch has on other parts of puppet, and if
> other people (puppetlabs?) are interested in this patch,
> but in my case everything kept working
> Fred.


>From all I had gathered since class parameters are available, overriding
them was not at all possible. It will be interesting to hear a
developer's comments on your approach.

I believe there are possible problems, but knowing there's a fix for the
bigger problem is great.

Thanks for sharing.

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