On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 08:08:30AM -0700, earthgecko wrote:
> Quick erb question:
> Can you use a if val in an each do iteration?  And if so... how :/  If 
> someone knows and is kind enough to shed some light.
> Trying to figure what will work and the following do NOT work.
> <% hosts.each do |val| %><% if val != "<%= hostname %>" %>  host (<%= val 
> %>);<% end %><% end %>
> <% hosts.each do |val| %><% if "<%= val %>" != "<%= hostname %>" %>  host 
> (<%= val %>);<% end %><% end %>
> <% hosts.each do |val| %><% if <%= val %> != "<%= hostname %>" %>  host 
> (<%= val %>);<% end %><% end %>
> All error with something similar to:
> syntax error, unexpected $undefined, expecting kTHEN or ':' or '\n' or ';'
> ...= hostname ; _erbout.concat "\" %>  host ("; _erbout.concat...
>                               ^
> .....cfg.erb:15: syntax error, unexpected kEND, expecting $end
> ...rbout.concat ");";  end ;  end ; _erbout.concat "\n  key /et...
> Thanks in advance..

Haven't tested it but does

    <% @hosts.reject { |h| h == @hostname }.each do |host| -%>
    <%= host %>
    <% end -%>

work for you?


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