On 7/25/2012 1:50 PM, Hai Tao wrote:

when I run "gem install rails", it will install the latest version,
3.2.6, and will also install its dependencies, such as  acitverecord
3.2.6. However, this version has a lot of bugs (which is actually from
puppet), such as "Error 400 on SERVER: stack level too deep".

so, what version should we use? 2.2.2?

I my experience the compatibility matrix looks roughly like this

Puppet          Rail/ActiveRecord
0.25.x          2.3.5-14
2.6             2.3.5-14, 3.0.x
2.7             2.3.5-14, 3.0.x, 3.1.x

The current versions for Rails in each release branch are

However if you're running 3.0.x or 3.1.x you'd have better luck with later versions of 2.6/2.7 Puppet than earlier. Also I'm not aware of any reason to run the latest and greatest Rails with Puppet so I use Rails 3.0.14.

Next having multiple versions of activerecord can cause problems because Puppet will pick the most recent which may not be what you want. It's simplest to remove all the Rails and active(whatever) gems and *only* install the version you plan to use. It would be nice if there was support for Gemfile, but as far as I understand there is not.

Lastly all the above only matters if you're installing from gems. Assuming you have a recent install of a common distro the local rails package should work out of the box.


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