
I copy past the Debian Apache2 Recipe Pattern from the Puppet wiki, 
unfortunatly it raise an error with puppet 2.7.14. "Could not find 
dependent Exec[reload-apache2] for Exec[/usr/sbin/a2ensite 000-default] at 

In the recipe, the Exec["reload-apache2"] is define in the class but it 
works when i move the Exec["reload-apache2"] into the define:   
class apache2 {
define site ( $ensure = 'present' ) {
case $ensure {
'present' : { exec { "/usr/sbin/a2ensite $name": unless => "/bin/readlink 
-e ${apache2_sites}-enabled/$name", notify => Exec["reload-apache2"], 
require => Package[$require], }
exec { "reload-apache2": command => "/etc/init.d/apache2 reload", 
refreshonly => true, } }

Somehow it seems that the scope inside the define is different from the 
Apache2 class. Any explanation?

Thank you

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