asterisk package already installed. I don't plan installation for this package 
managed by puppet.
just want manage the file configuration.

it come up when i yum search.

actually how "require => Package" working? its checking to repos or into system?

On 07/31/2012 03:32 PM, Marc Lucke wrote:
> On 31/07/2012, at 6:25 PM, heriyanto <> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I just do something simple just want to copy file, this my syntax,
>>    class asterisk::conf {
>>        file { "/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf":
>>            owner   => asterisk,
>>            group   => asterisk,
>>            mode    => 644,
>>            source => "puppet:///modules/asterisk/extensions.conf",
>>            require => Package["asterisk"],
>> this one doesn't work require => Package["asterisk"], the package
>> already installed.
>> but when i trying with vim as name package its work, even i already
>> remove the package.
>> something wrong? i never found this before on puppet. Thanks.
> do you have something like:
> package { asterisk: ensure => installed …. }
> if you search your repos for asterisk does it come up?

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